I need to add new field name as ‘Claim Percentage’ into sales order invoice screen. And when the claim Percentage is entered Invoice Amount need to be calculated like below formula.
amount = unit price * qty * (claim Percentage/100)
I have add fieldUpdated event into SOInvoiceEntry screen.
protected void ARTran_UsrClaimPercentage_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
var row = (ARTran)e.Row;
ARTranExt detail = PXCache<ARTran>.GetExtension<ARTranExt>(row);
decimal? val1 =detail.UsrClaimPercentage/100;
decimal? val = row.CuryTranAmt*val1;
row.CuryTranAmt = val;
// cache.SetValueExt<ARTran.curyTranAmt>(row, val);
When adding the claim Percentage at 1st time formula is working properly.But, after that when changing the same field Amount calculation is wrong.
- 1st change
2nd change for same row same field.Amount need to 25
Why This is happened?