Can you show me the Roots of HTML Editor INSERT Datafields data in Notification Templates (SM204003)?
Hi guys
How can I find roots of insert data fields in HTML editor Like Notification Template form.
If not able to find existing screen roots.
let me know how to add /arrange DataFields in Insert button of HTML Editor in my screen.
I found graph(SMNotificationMaint) name but its content is not visible
Thank you all
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Hi @ShahidaValiSyed04
The data fields you can use in your Notification Template are based on the Screen you select for your Notification Template:
Since this Notification Template is based on the Sales Orders screen, the fields you have access to depend on what is available on that screen.
I don’t think they are meant to be re-arranged in the data fields view, however if you want more control over what is or is not available (as well as a simplified tree layout), you can try using a Generic Inquiry as the screen for your Notification Template instead of a data entry screen like Sales Orders:
If you opt for using a Generic Inquiry, you will get access to all the fields that were exposed under the Results Grid tab of the Generic Inquiries screen:
I don’t have much experience with the notification templates but I believe those are pulled from the views defined on the graph of the screen. If you are trying to add a specific field I would guess it only pulls fields with a PXUIField attribute.
That being said you may be able to use (((ViewName].]FieldName])) even if the field is not listed in the insert panel.
Hi @stephenbologna39 I want to use same setup in my new screen
can you suggest me how can I use the existing screen functionality on my own screen.
Hi @ShahidaValiSyed04
I’m not sure I completely understand your question, but let me offer you this.
You can change the screen the Notification Template is tied to, however you will always only have access to the fields in that screen. If you are looking to combine the available fields from two or more distinct screens, I don’t think that is possible.
If you want a completely customized fieldset in your Notification Template, the only way I know to do that would be to create a Generic Inquiry and explicitly expose the fields you want to include.
Hi @stephenbologna39
What changes I have to do in Generic Inquiry to get Data Fields in html based on screen I selected?????
I have founded How the HTML Editor INSERT Datafields are working
I hope this may help you
Follow below process
In the screen you want to show datafields graph changes have given below
First you have to get how many screens of data you needed at datafields
public static System.Type GetRecordSystemType(string agreeType) { System.Type recType = null;
switch (agreeType) {
case SSP.Helper.Constant.Opportunity: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.CR.CROpportunity); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.ServiceOrder: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.FS.FSServiceOrder); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.Projects: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.PM.PMProject); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.ChangeOrders: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.PM.PMChangeOrder); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.PurchaseOrders: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.PO.POOrder); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.CustomerContracts: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.CT.Contract); break;
case SSP.Helper.Constant.ServiceContracts: recType = typeof(PX.Objects.FS.FSServiceContract); break;
default: // SSSTODO: Throw Exception!!! break; }
return recType; }
You should have reference field In the main screen or you can skip and you can give same screen Datafield as showen in the above cases as your wish.
uPXViewName("Entity Fields")] /PXCopyPasteHiddenView] public PXSelectOrderBy<CacheEntityItem, OrderBy<Asc<CacheEntityItem.number>>> EntityItems;
protected virtual System.Collections.IEnumerable entityItems(tPXString] string parent) { if (Agreements.Current == null) return new CacheEntityItemE0]; System.Type recType = SSPAgreementMaint.GetRecordSystemType(Agreements.Current.AgreeType);
if (recType != null) { return EMailSourceHelper.TemplateEntity(this, parent, recType.FullName, null); } else { return new CacheEntityItemE0]; }
In the .aspx page Had to add "DataTrees" section
Remove Previousdatafield element (set AllowInsertPrevParameter = false)
Made InsertDatafield section exactly as showen in the below.