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I added new Field (Selector of Inventories/Any Data) in Physical Inventory Count grid.

If I enter Value in one line, remaining Lines Value get Vanishing.

Is there any Base Code affecting this or any approach to do for this screen??


Try adding a <px:PXSelector> tag within the gridlevel’s <RowTemplate> tag as well for your new field.  It may offer a different behavior.

We are using a usr Field much like yours and having a PXSelector in the grid markup.  Did you try removing the Substitutekey=  from your selector definition?  Try also adding AutoRefresh=”true” to the rowtemplate markup for the selector.

Hi @girik06 ,

You can try removing the "CommitChanges" attribute from your <px:PXGridColumn> element

<px:PXGridColumn DataField="UsrSerialNbr" Width="220" />

If the issue persists, it's possible that there might be base code or other customizations affecting the behavior of the grid.


Hope it helps!




HI @girik06,

If you can share the implemented code that will be helpful to suggest anything.

Hi @praveenpo 
DAC Extension:

 public class INPIDetailExt:PXCacheExtension<INPIDetail>
        #region SerialNbr
                0PXUIField(DisplayName = "Serial Nbr", Enabled = true)]
        =PXSelector(typeof(Search<SerialNbr.Nbr, Where<SerialNbr.inventoryID,
            SubstituteKey = typeof(SerialNbr.Nbr))]
        public virtual string UsrSerialNbr { get; set; }
        public abstract class usrSerialNbr : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<usrSerialNbr> { }



    <px:PXGridColumn DataField="UsrSerialNbr" Width="220" CommitChanges="true" /></Columns>


@jedmunds36 added PXSelector also..same behaviour
