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Good Morning,

We are attempting to create a live sync with a sales demo site with a dev sales force site. 

Everything works except for the live sync. If we go to the salesforce sync page in acumatica and start the processes. Acumatica comes back and says all is good, no error messages. However the status of the SalesForce Sync is always Stopped. 

I’ve seen video’s and screenshots of that status as “Running”. I’m out of ideas of why this isn’t running and staying as running.

As mentioned early i’ve run a full resync and all the data comes in and goes out to SalesForce. Its just the Live sync that doesn’t seem to want to work.

Appreciate the help!

The Salesforce Sync connector has been broken the ENTIRE YEAR for my team. If your Salesforce instance is on Hyperforce the real time sync will NOT EVER work. You have to do automation schedules on the “Salesforce Data Resync” screen.

Our Salesforce had a forced migration to Hyperforce in February and our connector has not worked since, and we have had little updates from Acumatica so far besides “don’t update to Hyperforce” which would have been nice six months ago. 

Hi @dlawrence62 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

I’m still getting the same error in trace logs since February:

Failed to connect Salesforce Bayeux client

@Chris Hackett, the answer is my dev version of Salesforce was a Hyperforce instance. Which is why it was not working. Since i’m done with that for now i’ve passed my dev site over to Acumatica to create a fix. Apparently they attempted to create dev versions of salesforce but never got a hyperforce instance. So here is hoping we get a fix in the future.

@Chris Hackett  Is there any updates from Acumatica we can get on this issue? we’ve been having sync issues since like February/March when our Hyperforce upgrade happened, well before the warning from Acumatica came out not to upgrade 

Hi @gorazem, I’m afraid I don’t know the answer. If you wish to escalate an issue, please work with your designated support to do so. Thank you
