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Portal Closed cases not displaying Last Activity date

  • 16 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I have a client who pointed out to me that on their customer portal Closed Cases are not displaying the “Last Activity Date” on the “Closed Cases” (SP204010).
Is this a known bug with 22.126 version that is fixed in new versions?  Or is this some kind of configuration that is missing?  The screenshot below is of my local test installation of Acumatica with SweetLife and does the exact same behavior that the clients site portal is doing.


@NetAdmin42 , have you checked if it’s the same field that is mapped on the grid for Screen SP204010?

Here is what I found out after spending a couple of days deep diving into the Acumatica code of the Portal.

First, this obviously not a GI – it is an Inquiry graph/Creen called SPCaseClosedInquiry

The Query is below

I think the issue is that the LastActivity field comes from the CRActivityStatus DAC – and that DAC is not included in the select for this Inquiry

I could just over-ride the base query to join in that table. But that would require a specific customization; whereas this is a “bug”, IMHO in Acumatica’s base code. (I do not know how to report this to Acumatica as a bug though.)

Note – there are some internal PXData functions being used to ensure that the logged in User only sees their own cases (MatchWithBaccountNotNull and OwnerFilter)

 public SelectFrom<CRCase>





























Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @NetAdmin42!
