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When we look at our projects under cost budget under actuals it shows 0 for labor hours. Why is it not showing our actual hours?




You will need to create the corresponding Project Transactions to get the Actual Qty. and Amt.

Hope this helps!

What do you mean the corresponding Project Transaction? 

We bill the appointment out that has the labor on it.

@CAMORRISON has the project transaction been released? 

@CAMORRISON are you using service orders to track time or are employees entering time cards? 

I don’t see where a Project Transaction is created. Is this something you have to do after you bill out the appointment with the labor hours on it?

We use service orders to track time.

@CAMORRISON on the service order type (found in the service module → preferences), there is a section on the general tab.  the option to automatically create time activities from appointments may be checked, however, this option does not automatically release those activities.  I believe the step that’s missing would be to release the time activities.  that can be done by going to time and expense → release time activities (an additional step may require you to complete the activities first)

please try to release the activities and then refresh the project screen to see if the values update



They have all been released in our system already.

@CAMORRISON can you share a screenshot of a released time activity for the project referenced above? i see that the transactions are posting to an off-balance account, do you have rates specified for employees or labor items on the labor rates screen?

It is posting to an off-balance account and here is a screenshot of a released time activity.


@CAMORRISON it looks like the inventory items are different on the project vs. the released time activity.  am i looking at that right?  i see CONSTTIME on the project and ZLABORCOST on the time activity but i dont have the headers so want to double check.  if that’s the case, the system would not update the existing lines but create new lines

Yes we have rates specified. 

If you look under the service section of time activity you will see the consttime.The ZLABORCOST is the labor item not the Inventory ID that we use.

Do you have a UOM (unit of measure) of Hours (or HR or however you are recognizing hours in the system)?  If time is entered in “HOUR” for example but the project budget doesn’t have that as the UOM (or the UOM is blank) it will not calculate the quantity.  If you add the “HOUR” UOM to the budget and then recalculate project budget it should add the hours to the “Actual” column.

@CAMORRISON i believe on the project the inventory ID would serve as the same field for any item in the system, non-stock and labor included.

The system will update the budget based off what the update preference is on the project preferences screen (either summary or detailed) 

On the project balances tab, are you seeing any transactions in the off-balance account group?

@meganfriesen37 that was my thought as well when I first saw this post but then noticed that the actual cost column isn’t populating either! So bizarre!

Yes, there are transactions under the balance tab off-balance and in preferences it is Detailed.

@CAMORRISON I tested this out in my local environment and set up a project with an inventory item that was different from the labor items I was using on the time card.

here’s what i found:

upon release of the timecard, the system added two new lines to the budget with the actual amounts, the original line was not updated because the inventory items were not the same:

i also tried to add “LABOR” as the labor item on the time card but got this error which makes sense: 

in order for the time to be entered and released, i needed to use labor items which updated the project as shown in the first screenshot (i did need to update my T&E preferences to post to an off-balance account group)

in your case, i believe you will need to update the inventory item on the project to specify the labor item so you can track the budget on the same line, otherwise it will create a new line.  are you able to see if “ZLABORCOST” shows up on your budget at all if you remove the filter on the inventory item? 
