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To our clients looking to move to Acumatica, the Employee Time card function in Construction seems pretty cumbersome.   But I hope someone can point me to better ways to do the following:

  1. How do you enter a note for a specific day of the week that can appear on invoices?   The only workaround I can think of is to enter a line for everyday…
  2. OT entry seems cumbersome - Is adding a new line with the OT earnings type the only way?   


Hi @jlian37 

You can use the details tab to enter specific day type notes.  There is a column called summary which is editable on the details tab: 

However, if you want the notes to show up on the invoice, I believe you will need to modify the invoice report to reference details from the PM tran or the timecard details.  It will depend what the posting options for non-payroll employees that can be found in the time & Expenses preferences


Regarding the Overtime earning type, I believe the OT earning type needs to be specified on the time card and that will not update based off the weekly hours.  I’ve implemented the payroll module and I know the overtime rules will calculate once the paycheck is calculated but not on the actual timecard.


I see there is an idea on the idea forum already, please upvote (i can see this beneficial for many companies who don’t use payroll)



Thanks.  Can’t believe I missed the Detail tab!  :)   And the descriptions entered there do flow to billing, so that answered that question.

As to OT, it’s OK that the system doesn’t calculate automatically because it wouldn’t know which project to charge the OT anyway.  So the user does have to manually enter and allocate OT.    Using the earning types does calculate the correct multiplier.  The issue is that the UI forces them to enter another line… Some of these people work on dozens of projects every week.  This will not make them happy.  I guess I will have to enter an enhancement request.
