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Hello community,

I would like to know how can a user allocate a specific inventory for a specific project. i am looking if Acumatica can allow us to allocate qty for future purposes for a particular project.

Thanks in advance.

HI @Harry 

Here is the information from the help:

Configuration of Inventory Tracking in Projects

If you have enabled the Inventory and Order Management and Inventory features on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and are using the related functionality, you can use the enhanced integration of projects with inventory by enabling the Project-Specific Inventory feature.

Once you have enabled the feature, you configure the applicable projects to use the needed inventory tracking mode. For each project, you select one of the following modes in the Inventory Tracking box on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form:

  • Track by Project Quantity and Cost: To track the quantity and project-specific cost of the stock items reserved for the project.
  • Track by Project Quantity: To track the project-specific quantity of the purchased items that are reserved for the project. In this mode, the system tracks the item cost by general cost calculation rules (that is, the cost is not project-specific). One cost layer holds the item costs recorded for the same inventory item with the same project budget key but received to different locations of the same warehouse.
  • Track by Location: To track the quantity and cost of the purchased materials at the warehouse location level. For more information about using this mode, see Project Inventory Tracking by Warehouse Location: General Information.

In an existing project, you can change the inventory tracking mode only if no items have been received for the project yet.

If you need to disable the Project-Specific Inventory feature in a production system, you can do this after the following preparatory actions:

  1. Cleaning up the inventory. To do this, you need to manually create and release inventory transfer transactions that move the items reserved for projects to free stock (that is, to the non-project code) or to projects linked to warehouse locations (that is, projects that have the Track by Location inventory tracking mode).
  2. Assigning all existing projects the Track by Location inventory tracking mode and linking them to particular warehouse locations.

Once the feature is disabled, the system will continue tracking inventory for projects using the only Track by Location mode.


Inventory Tracking in Projects

For a project in which the Track by Project Quantity or Track by Project Quantity and Cost inventory tracking mode is selected in the Inventory Tracking box of the Projects (PM301000) form, you create and process documents with stock items as follows:

  • To purchase stock items for the project, you create a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, selecting the project and project task for each item. The expenses are captured to the project cost budget as a project commitment.
  • To receive items in a warehouse, you process a purchase receipt on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form. To separate the project items from free stock, the system automatically creates a virtual project-specific location within the warehouse location where the materials are received. The purchased materials are reserved for the project and cannot be issued for another project.
  • To issue the materials for the customer, you process an inventory issue for the project on the Issues (IN302000) form. The quantity available for issuing is defined by the warehouse location, the project, and the project task.



Tracking Item Costs

In a project with the Track by Location or Track by Project Quantity mode selected in the Inventory Tracking box of the Projects (PM301000) form, the cost of the issued materials is not project-specific and is defined by general cost calculation rules. The cost of an item depends on the item valuation method and is affected by other factors: the warehouse location from which the item is issued, the account and subaccount, the selected subitem, and the lot or serial number of the item. For more information on how the system calculates item costs, see Item Costs and Valuation Methods: General Information.

In a project with the Track by Project Quantity and Cost mode selected, the system tracks project-specific cost layers. That is, for each combination of project and project task, the system calculates the cost of each item depending on the item valuation method and other applicable factors: the warehouse location from which the item is issued, the account and subaccount, the selected subitem, and the lot or serial number of the item.

It is located here:


@Harry to add to what @Kandy Beatty put in, the article below includes two GIs that you can import to your environment to help track those project specific inventory items:




Hello @iqraharrison48 & @Kandy Beatty , thank you for your suggestions. I imported one of the GIs in 22R2, it has some compatibility issues and it shows the following warnings:

What table can I use instead of the above warning one? 

I setup a warehouse called PROJECT and I use a business event to add locations for every project/task (segmented key for warehouse location needs to be 30chars) as they add new ones.  You can flag this location as not available etc, so that they cannot use it / see it in replenishment, sales orders.

So if they use Track By Location on the project, they simply transfer stock from their normal stock warehouse to the project location / warehouse.  Then once it is issued (used) to the project, the cost goes to the project.

Hello @iqraharrison48 & @Kandy Beatty , thank you for your suggestions. I imported one of the GIs in 22R2, it has some compatibility issues and it shows the following warnings:

What table can I use instead of the above warning one? 

Hello All,
I would like to know what other table shall I use instead of the one for which warning sign is getting displayed? it is INLocationStatusByCostCenter? This table is not supported in 22R2.

Hi Harry


Prior to 2023.1 I was using the PMLocationStatus table, in order to return the quantity on hand at the project location. The below site has been upgraded to 2023.1 hence the warnings below, but this worked fine prior to the upgrade. 



Is someone please able to drop the project specific inventory quantity and cost GI’s into this chain, I am unable to access the URL link provided.

Hi I have followed the example as per this discussion.

To issue the materials for the customer, you process an inventory issue for the project on the Issues (IN302000) form. 

I first reviewed if we do have material available in the warehouse. QTY on Hand on the Inventory screen ScreenId=IN202500 indicate that I do have material at the warehouse.

On the Issue I select the Issue to the Project Cost layer. I get the error below. So I am not able to Issue the material to the project but I can transfer the material to the Project.

Updating item 'AE-ET340 0' in warehouse 'KLY KLY ' quantity on hand will go negative.

Please advise, did I miss a step?



@rethavanalphen11 what warehouse did you receive the material to? 

Hi @iqraharrison The material was available at the warehouse. I did not perform an inventory receipt/Purchase order for the material.  Will the issue only work if you purchase the material for the project?

@rethavanalphen11 if it’s just general inventory, i believe you can just use the normal cost layer and still specify the project in the project column. can you try that?
