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I had a client today ask me directly what the requirements are for a system email account. They had initially setup a group email list, not a true mailbox and I knew that was likely not acceptable. There are several tiers for the actual mailbox with differing prices. There is an email kiosk account that is most affordable, and limits the inbox size to 2GB. Is the size of that mailbox any sort of Acumatica requirement, or is this just dependent on how much email the users expect to have coming through? The costs involved are relatively minor but I wanted to be prepared when I follow up.


A system email account record inside Acumatica requires:
an SMTP address (an email address)
a password associated with that email address
a license applied to the email account in O365 that allows for email processing 

The size requirement is up to the person and how much email they plan on receiving into that inbox without deleting or archiving. One can always delete or archive old messages in O365 to free up space as well. 

The following KB document also explains how to configure an email account as a “Modern Authentication” email account, where the comments on this KB explain that some users have even been able to set up “shared” email accounts using Modern Auth, as long as some specific requirements are fulfilled, definitely check out this KB and corresponding comment thread!

Hi there,

We are currently having difficulty implementing Exchange Online system email accounts with a shared mailbox. We have checked and double-checked Client ID, Tenant ID, Client Secret, account name, permissions for the app on Azure, and we can see successful login attempts in the Azure portal. The problem seems to be when it is coming back to Acumatica.

Well, when I say “Acumatica”, I mean our Australian-ised version called MYOB Acumatica. I have consulted several different sources on fixing it with no joy yet. One possibility left is the “specific requirements” that you talk about in reference to the linked KB article. I don’t yet have access to the Knowledge Base though - we and MYOB in Australia are trying to sort that out.

Is it possible that you could reproduce that article in this thread somehow? Screenshots?


