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Hello Community! I have not had any luck in finding a clean answer to this, but I am hoping somebody has a good quick and painless answer lol. We have a customer that has multiple branches, and when using Dashboards and their widgets, those numbers are being pulled from every branch. We need a way to have the Dashboards/widgets only pull the information based on the branch that they are currently in. How can we do that? Thanks in advance. 

You could use the Parameter on the Dashboard 

Then using Design on the Widget you can add the filter

You could also add a filter where Branch = {CurrentBranch] here or add it to the GI driving the widget. 

Thanks Dermot! We have been hitting every GI that we were using in Widgets - Sorry I thought I put that in my original post, but see now I didn’t. I was hoping for a more ‘universal’ way then having to hit every widget’s GI. I like the top way you have there by just being able to do it by the ‘Dashboard’ as a whole, but I can’t seem to get that way to work as you have it setup above. I was working with the AR Clerk Dashboard to try and set it up in that same type of manner but now luck. I will keep trying - but man it would just be great if we had a universal ‘by branch’ toggle button for all searches/lookups/etc in the system lol. If there is, we just haven’t found them yet. 

Hi @Tony were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
