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Cannot start 2024 R1 instance after current windows update

  • 27 June 2024
  • 6 replies

I restarted my laptop today after the current windows update. All my local Acumatica 2024 R1 instances don't work anymore after restart. They all work fine yesterday. I get the following error. Does anyone have the same problem?

Method not found: 'Serilog.LoggerConfiguration Serilog.Configuration.LoggerSinkConfiguration.Logger(Serilog.ILogger, Boolean, Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel, Serilog.Core.LoggingLevelSwitch)'.




Hi @junmao01 

What build of 24R1 are you using?  Our 24R1 demo site (build 24.104.0008) is running fine on Windows Server 2016.  

I see an assembly in our web.config file that is called SerilogTimings:

        <assemblyIdentity name="SerilogTimings" publicKeyToken="ea6fc7d88906f03a" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

You should probably start a support case with Acumatica to let them know about the issue for whatever build you are currently on.



@DavidEichner I have installed following builds in my laptop (Windows 10 Enterprise): 24.101.0059, 24.102.0053, 24.105.0036, 24.106.0018. None of them work after windows update. All of them work fine before windows update. I installed another build 24.107.004 after windows update, but still doesn’t work. I checked web.config file SerilogTimings, it is exactly the same as yours. 


I did open an Acumatica support case. But they don’t support local installations.

Hi @junmao01 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Have we narrowed down as to which Windows Update impacted the Acumatica Instance?

@Chris Hackett - do you know if the Acumatica SaaS team experienced a similar issue?

We had an on-prem client with a similar issue recently after a Windows Update.

@Chris Hackett Still doesn’t work.

Hi @Kulvir Kaila - While I manage the community I am not a product expert. You would want to check with Support for your question.
