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Meet James Harris our Acumatica Community Featured Member for March 2024. It’s great to have you as part of the Acumatica Community @jamesh!


As a committed member of the Redmond Inc. team, I manage the ERP requirements for our ten subsidiary companies, all seamlessly integrated within the Acumatica framework. My extensive experience with Acumatica spans multiple years and includes roles at two other companies. In these positions, I not only utilized Acumatica's robust capabilities but also spearheaded its implementation across various organizations. My enthusiasm for Acumatica is driven by a desire to understand how it can address business needs, resolve challenges, and streamline operations.

My commitment to the Acumatica ecosystem extends beyond my professional duties. I am an active member of the online community and proudly serve as one of the leaders of the Acumatica User Group in Utah. Our quarterly gatherings connect customers, VARs, and ISV sponsors, creating a dynamic forum for sharing insights, tips, and experiences.

On a personal level, I am married with three sons at home. My wife is our air traffic controller and plays an active role in our children's PTA. We're very excited about her upcoming position as PTA President Elect. Our family values participation in school activities and relishes the opportunity to travel, seeking new adventures whenever possible. A fun fact about me: I have explored over 40 countries and most of the United States, a testament to my love for discovery.

I am honored to have been recognized as an Acumatica MVP for two consecutive years, this year and last, in addition to being named an Industry Leader. These accolades reflect my dedication to the Acumatica community and my ongoing efforts to contribute meaningfully to its growth and success.


Hi James!

Congratulations on being the featured member for March.  Enjoyed reading your bio.

Congrats @jamesh! Very deserving! 

congrats James! 


Congratulations @jamesh 🎉 It’s great working with you! 🙌

Congratulations!! 🎇

Congratulations @jamesh !!!


Thanks everyone!  :) 
