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I have an Generic Inquriy column called orig_ord_type which, depending on the ARInvoice.DocType could either be a ‘C’ for Credit or an ‘O’ for Invoices and Debit Memos. My logic for this  is =IIF(LEFT(=ARInvoice.DocType], 6)  =  'Credit', 'C', 'O') which accounts for Credit Memos and Credit WO (Write Offs) which should be coming up as ‘C’, but everything is coming up as an ‘O’. I’ve even tried using =IIF(eARInvoice.OrigDocAmt] < 0.00, ‘C’, ‘O’) and anything listed as a Credit still had an O in the column. If anyone has other ideas, they would certainly be appreciated, even using the =SWITCH function. I’ve tried the =SWITCH and I received an error about the MEMO token.



Document amounts aren’t stored as negatives in the database; that’s why everything turned into “O”.

I use nested IIf statements to solve a situation like yours.  (I’m not a programmer).  Try something like this:


IIF(LEFT(pARInvoice.DocType], 5)  =  'Debit',  ‘D’,

IIF(LEFT(DARInvoice.DocType], 5)  =  ‘Prepa’, ‘P’,    etc.]

'O' ) ) )



In my initial entry I did try the =IIF(LEFT((ARInvoice.DocType], 6)  =  'Credit', 'C', 'O') which should have worked because the Credit Memo and Credit WO would have fallen under that caveat. 

I attempted to use your suggestion and it’s not validating. The error is: Missing operator before the ’, IIF(LEFT(LARInvoice.DocType], 5) = ‘Prepa’

Hi @wmatthews1877 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Everything has worked out, thank you for the followup.
