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Stock Items navigation broken

  • 3 July 2024
  • 6 replies

All, my Test tenant is purple, my Live tenant is blue.

As you can see in the screenshots below, in the Test tenant, when a user clicks into a Stock Item, the detail screen shows the item description at the top. Also, the word ‘Stock Items’ is blue/hyperlinked so the user can click it to go back to the primary listing. Also, there is a black/left UI icon for the user to click as well.

My Live tenant Stock Items detail page is seriously messed up. There is no item description; the Stock Items link isn’t blue but it *IS* clickable, but all it does is refresh the item details page, it doesn’t go back to the PL; and there is no black/left UI to discard changes and cancel.

There’s something wrong with my Live Stock Items, and I think there are multiple things going on. Probably with the Entry Point/Entry Screen, Navigation and maybe the site map too.

Help! :D


Hi @swartzfeger ,

Do you have any customizations published on your site?


Hi @swartzfeger ,

Do you have any customizations published on your site?


Yes but the customizations are identical across tenants.

Someone modified the Stock Items on the Live tenant so I know they are different, but when I try to fix them I’m usually making things worse, lol. I could always export the GIs from the Test tenant and import into Live but was hoping I could fix this manually to understand better what’s happening. 😀

Hi @swartzfeger ,

See below screenshot the “out-of-the-box” configuration for the Entry Point tab of the IN-StockItem GI.  Perhaps the “Replace Entry Screen with this Inquiry in Menu” checkbox has been unchecked?


Hi @swartzfeger ,

See below screenshot the “out-of-the-box” configuration for the Entry Point tab of the IN-StockItem GI.  Perhaps the “Replace Entry Screen with this Inquiry in Menu” checkbox has been unchecked?


Hi Laura -- indeed! I should’ve mentioned that in the original post but I didn’t want to bog it down with too much info to start!

Yes, the “Replace Entry Screen” is unchecked and that’s one of the differences between Live and Test… however, when I check the “Replace Entry Screen” box, I lose the Stock Items dropdown ‘menu selection’ when I search:


Hi @swartzfeger ,

This is the out-of-the-box configuration for the Site Map related to Stock Items:


Hi @swartzfeger ,

This is the out-of-the-box configuration for the Site Map related to Stock Items:


Laura, you’re a peach -- the .00 and PL site map settings were reversed… once I moved Inventory/Profiles out of PL and into 00 everything is back to normal. THANK YOU. :D
