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Stock item Analysis GI

  • 22 August 2023
  • 3 replies


The initial brief was as follows:

Show all items where itemclass in (spareparts, lvspareparts) and use date range.


Fields to show:

Inventory ID, Inventory Description

Total Sales for date range

Total qtyonhand all warehouses (just the total holding like on stock items page)

Total transferred over date range

Last invoiced date

Last Cost


On the results we are getting some larger numbers, and not all the QOH look right, any idea on how to improve on the results here?



@ryonxan Can you please share the XML format of this GI, so that it will help us to our review. 

Attached is the XML - I would like it to develop into a quick way to review our spare parts by sales and qtyonhand over period of time, similar to the dead stock where it checks purchases over x number of days or sales over x number of days.


I've just reviewed the GI, and it's displaying precise outcomes regardless of the chosen date range in the GI. This implies that the values for QtyOnHand and Total Sales are being shown regardless of the date filters applied.

If your intention is to retrieve data exclusively for the chosen dates, you'll have to implement filtering at the data level. This would involve determining Sales Amount and QtyOnHand for the selected dates. To achieve this, you might consider either working with a Custom Inquiry (at the code level) or generating a SQL View and create a respective GI accordingly.

The straightforward GI might not be sufficient to accomplish this task.

