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Report Designer Line Height Issues in Production that were not present in Sandbox

  • 18 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Does anyone know why the same report would squash “one cell” text when moved from Sandbox Report Designer to Production? 

Settings are the same in both --> we can't seem to find line height, that is our only idea where this might be a solution.

I was able to edit all other text fields to single lines as it happened in every combined text field. But I don't want to adjust the "bill to" and "ship to" fields because they're formulas. Same goes for the "Description".

5 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Seems like there may be a missing and/or custom style being used that was present in the sandbox, but not production.


For these textboxes, do they currently have a “StyleName” defined, and if so, is that style defined differently between systems?

Badge +12

Seems like there may be a missing and/or custom style being used that was present in the sandbox, but not production.

If not a style, a less-likely possibility is a custom font.

Userlevel 1

@darylbowman → I took over this project from someone else at 75% done and I just heard this might in fact be the case. I just learned Report Designer with this project so it’s been a case of “jump in the deep end and swim”.

Badge +12

If the instance is Saas, I think Acumatica Support is hesitant to install fonts. I've done it on-prem though.

Userlevel 1

@darylbowman we’re on prem.
