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Report Designer - Can you effectively put 2 Detail sections in a repot?

  • 26 June 2024
  • 7 replies

I’ve done this but there is one problem.  This is in reference to a custom PRO/Invoice report (PM641000).


Project Transactions are being used to record time expenses from another software - no GL, just charging the project.  There are three custom columns on the Project Transactions

  • one for the Retail/Rack Rate of the time being spent
  • one column for the rate that the customer will be charged for the time
  • one column for the BTA ID (block time agreement ID). The Block Time Agreement lowers the Rack Rate to the Customer Rate.

Data in all three of those columns is to show on the PRO/Invoice. The custom columns are not pushed to the invoice. The Customer Rate is being used in the T&M Billing Rule. That’s working nicely.

The T&M Billing Rule has two steps that use the same Income Account Group.  The first step charges the Customer Rate and produces a positive row on the invoice. The second time it is used, the T&M Billing Rule checks to see if a BTAID exists on the PMTran and, if so, calculates a negative amount and posts it to the liability created by the BTA Agreement. That, too is working well.  Here’s the Billing Rule:

The Invoice created by RUN PROJECT BILLING looks like this and flows to the GL perfectly:

Invoice created by above T&M Billing Rule


BTW - the client has declined to use discounts or customer price sheets, despite strong suggestions.

The client wants the invoice to show the the Rack Rate, the Customer Rate and the amount of the invoice covered by a BTA.  The BTA “credits” are to appear in a different color so that they are more obvious.

To provide a different color of text for the BTA credits, I duplicated the detail section that shows the positive amounts to a separate detail section. Both detail sections have their own visibility expressions. The second detail section is only visible if the ARTran.AccountID is a balance sheet account. (Yes, I used the Account, not a GL Type… I know...)

The custom column (PMTran.USRCustomerRate) shows up perfectly on the second Detail Section ever time. However, it will not show on the first Detail Section if the second Detail Section comes into play. If the second Detail Section is NOT in play, the first Detail Section picks up the custom column perfectly fine. Why?

PDF of Invoice:


Report file format is not supported so it can’t be uploaded.  Here’s the salient part.



Hi @jmcclelland95 ,

Have you confirmed that there is data in the BTA user defined field for these records?  If you change the visibility on the second detail section so that it is always hidden, does the user defined column populate for these records?  Have you tried one of the other user defined columns with similar results?  These are some of the ideas that I would use to troubleshoot this.  


Thank you for your thoughts.  Yes, the BTA column  and the Cust Rate column are both filled in on the PMTran. You can see that the Customer Rate column comes through from the PMTran so the report is working for that column.  I just tried turning off visibility for the 2nd detail section and got the same result:

with 2nd Detail Section visibility turned off


Below is the related Project Transaction showing 2 of the custom columns in play.  The BTA ID is used to check and see if the 2nd detail section needs to be on the report.  The PMTran custom column I’m using as Retail (because Retail does not yet exist) does not show on this screenshot, but it is filled in with numbers.

PMTran that is being referenced by ProInvoice/Memo


I’m thinking it has to be something just because the 2nd Detail Section exists. Is that a possibility?  If no BTA ID is filled in on the PM Tran, the invoice picks up the entries in the Custom Columns. Here’s an example with no BTAs involved:


Hi @jmcclelland95 ,

Try changing the positioning of this custom field.  For example put it on a separate line underneath the description with plenty of room around it.  I don’t see any subreports in your screenshot, but sometimes there subreports can expand and cause another control to disappear.  

Try leaving the positioning as is and hardcoding a value in the field.  This is another idea to see if it’s related to overlapping controls or if the data is not being pulled correctly into the field.




Again, thank you for the thoughts.  I did already think about that and tried that. In the first example of an invoice you will see the word “coming” in the Retail field.  That was the hard coding try. Note that even with hard coding, the variable shows from the 2nd detail section, but not the first, Also, the last row that shows the “CL” number is from the 1st detail section but does not have a BTA ID in the PMTran, so size and position probably aren’t it. I’ve also changed the sizing and position to no avail.  You are correct that there are no subreports.

You can zip the report and upload it.

Hi @jmcclelland95 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

To a point, yes… Tim McClanahan, one of our CFBS consultants analyzed it and found that it is a data issue, not a report problem. It still seems strange to me, though. In the Billing Rule that creates the project invoice, I used the same Account Group twice. (See above) Evidently, even though the Project Invoice goes back to the original Project Transaction to pick up the Retail rate, the system only sees it from the last calculation; i.e., the second time the PM Tran is used. The second calculation overwrites the value from the first time the field is used and is therefore unavailable to be pulled into the report. 
