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      I’ve wrote a report and I’d like it to run on schedule to show the last week’s data.
I was using “sWeekStart]-1” as the datefrom and “aWeekEnd]-1” as the dateto.

       And I save a template to schedule run on every Sunday.

       However, if the business date changes, When using the template the DateFrom would change accordingly, while the dateto would remain still.

       I temporarily work around this issue by assigning

DateTo  =DateAdd( (<@WeekStart]-1), 'd', 6)


        Then, the Dateto would change according to the business date.

        So, I am wondering did someone else meet the same issue and is there anything wrong with the uWeekEnd] parameters.

Hi Ray,

I just verified the “Week Start” and “Week-End” parameters in the report <2020 R1 version] and populating the values are correct.

Please find the screenshot for reference


@Naveen B 
Hello Senior Captain, sorry I did not describe my steps in details. It is working well without template, but it is not working with “Report Template”.
Below are my steps

1,  save a template “1234”, when business date is today, the date from and date to is correct


2, Let’s change the business date to next week to pretend we have moved to next week.

At that time, what I expectation is to search this week’s data


You see, the datefrom is changed , however the dateto is NOT

if we do NOT select the template, it is OK.
But I have to save a template to run on schedule.


If I change the dateto from eWeekEnd]-1   to

DateTo  =DateAdd( (>@WeekStart]-1), 'd', 6)

I can work around on this issue.

NOTE: after you change the rpx, you have to resave the template.
