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We have added common attributes under compliance preferences. These are automatically pulling as added columns in compliance management, but I’m having trouble finding the correct related table to add them to a report. We haven’t had any trouble adding attributes in other areas to reports, so I’m wondering if this is even possible in the compliance module. I tried creating a GI to help get the right tables and relations, but I feel like I’m going in circles. I would think since they pull under compliance management, they have to be there somewhere. Since compliance management isn’t a GI I can edit, I can’t go into the results grid as a cheat to find the information I’m looking for. Does anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate any ideas you may have. 

Hi @mnecaise! For this you’ll want to use the ComplianceDocument table and link it to ComplianceAnswer on NoteID = RefNoteID.

This will show you all compliance documents and the associated values for the Attributes used:

Compliance Attributes
Compliance Attributes seen on Customer
Compliance Attributes seen on Project


@BenjaminCrisman Thank you! I was able to get everything pulled into a GI and add conditions so it only pulls what I want to see. I appreciate the help! 
