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Oh developer titans of myth and legend, I beg of you… PLEASE find the cause of random primary lists (GI’s) magically disappearing as the result of an upgrade.  This has been going on for several major versions… I think 2021R1 marks the 3rd major release to pain me so with this problem.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason that I can find.  When we perform an upgrade on any of or production, testing, or development instances, we never know what GI is going to be missing.  This time, a fresh instance of 2021R1 with nothing but Sales Demo and a very small customization for a blog post lost the Purchase Orders primary list with the upgrade to 21.104.0018.  The workaround is the same every time.  Go to another tenant of the instance or to another instance and export the GI to import where it is missing.



I know there has been discussion on this in the developer community.  Since I cannot reproduce it at will, there is nothing I know to report in opening a case.  When our sysadmin did some research in the past before opening a case, he did not open the case because it appeared it was a known issue.  But come on… 3 major versions.  Please.  I love so much about Acumatica, but it’s time to try a different bug spray for this bug.

Is this a common problem for anyone else here, or has someone found a permanent solution?

Hi Brian,

I am experiencing the same thing as well on my demo instances. There was another discussion on this community somewhere, others are experiencing this as well.

If you still have a full DB backup *before* the update, this probably means that issue can be replicated by Acumatica Support. I would suggest opening a support ticket.

On my side I’m carefully monitoring this, but problem is that we usually notice too long after the update and the backups are long gone...

Thanks, Gabriel.  I think you were one of the ones I remember corroborating the issue before.  No backup to provide.  It is so random that we have restored backups on training before and lost DIFFERENT primary lists in the retry of anupgrade.

Hi @brianstevens, we’re having a similar issue after upgrading to 21.114.0030.  Our package seems to be missing a generic inquiry.  You can see it is mentioning 3 GIs in the left panel but only 2 show up.



Wondering if this is related.
