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I have set up a business event to perform the following:

  • Auto mark items on the Prod Detail as Backflush On or Backflush Off based on an Attribute at the stock item level.
  • Triggered by a Production Attribute (Attribute ID = PURCHVER) being checked off.

My issue is that the Business Event only runs when there is one single item on the Prod Detail (and on GI), for some reason the system is not recognizing the business event when there are multiple items on the GI. See below.


Business Event - Triggered based on Record Inserted of GI below


Generic Inquiry - List of Material on Prod Detail with Prod Attribute as True

Import Scenario is simply set up to mark the lines as Backflush on or off which I can confirm is working fine.


In the list above, AM003535 was recognized and processed without issue. But all other orders do not get recognized in Business Event History when I toggle between the attribute PURCHVER True and False. In theory, each time I mark the attribute as False it falls of the list and when I mark the attribute as True in gets re-inserted into the list and the business event should run.


Why does it only run when there is a single line for material? Is there something wrong with my configuration?

Resolved with following:

First and foremost, you will need to click on these blue hyperlinks here that are the table names, they will open a new window, in that new window you will notice orange keys next to names of fields. Every field that has an orange key MUST be active on your GI results grid tab, this is documented in the following KB:

I also noticed the BE is tracking all fields, this will cause performance issues on your site, if you hover over the yellow warning you will have confirmation that it will do this.


Please instead add any field that is a condition on your GI, as a specific field to track on the BE.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @jwarren!

Thanks @jwarren  Great Comments! It very important to add the Key fields to the Generic Inquiry, when the Business Events is based on the Generic Inquiry. 
