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We want to list all customers with Mailing ID “STATEMENT” and associated report ID. However, the GI only shows about 35% of the customers.

How can we ensure it includes ALL our customers with the “STATEMENT” mailing setting?

Here is a screenshot of my current GI setup.

Thanks for your help!

Hey Anna,
Can we see the Results page or a copy of the XML.

That’s because not all of them actually exist.

I looked into my instance, and my DB shows only 2 NotificationSource records for Customer SourceCD - STATEMENTS and STATEMENTSMC. Both those records didn’t have a refNoteID. That means for some of your customers, only default setup exist, which aren’t stored as a separate entities.

You’d need to add second join, which will add NotificationSource records with SourceCD=”Customer” and RefNoteID is null.
