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Default navigation on generic inquiry for inventory description not possible

  • 3 August 2023
  • 6 replies

Why we can’t check “Default Navigation” for field “InventoryCD_Description” in Generic inquiry?

Is it a bug or normal ?

@ericberube It’s most likely because the fields which have the underscore are unbound fields, so since it is dependent on the main field InventoryCD it doesn’t have a default navigation.

Thank you @BenjaminCrisman.

Is there’s any way we could do search for product description in a generic inquiries?

I saw other field “Descr” but we do have a notice.

You can set up custom navigation to get around this issue.

  1. On the Navigation tab, define a custom navigation target with the appropriate key field(s) for parameters, (In your case it would probably be InventoryCD).


  2. Select the custom navigation route on the “Results Grid” tab, instead of selecting the default navigation checkbox.


Thanks @MichaelShirk bu that do not answer my needs, or I don’t understand correctly. We used your suggestion for other needs, when we want to have a link on the field, but my actual needs is not to have a link on the description field, just be able to do a search on this field.

In this case, you'll need to unhide a hidden-by-default column on the Results tab of the GI designer called (something like) 'Use in QuickFilter' and check that.

@ericberube, After reading through the various other posts here and If I am understanding correctly, you want the ability to use the Generic Inquiry search box located at the top right corner of the grid. But specifically allow you to search for keywords that can be found in the “InventoryCD_Description” field. If that is the case, then you can do the below to enable this.

On the Generic Inquiry screen where edits can be made, navigate to the “Results Grid” tab and open the column configurator to add the field “Use in Quick Search” by moving it to the Selected Columns.


Now on the field in the Results Grid for InventoryCD_Description check the box for Use in Quick Search.(pictured example show CustomerID_Description used for this purpose)


The final result after doing these steps will now allow you to use whatever fields you have toggled as Use in Quick search as a keyword lookup when trying to search in the Inquiry results.


Hope that helps. Let us know if this is not what you're looking for.

