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Altering the AP Register Report- Duplicate Lines

  • 12 October 2022
  • 2 replies

Using versions 2021 R2

I am creating an AP Register for a custom process. I altered the AP Register to remove unneeded fields. Then added the AP Tran Table so that I can add the account and Subaccount.  It is however reporting two lines and the second line contains incorrect account and subaccount.  I know it likely has something to do with the join but I cannot figure out what elements I need to use to get this correct. I could not add the .rpx file, so here are some screenshots.


Hello, Try joining on two fields, DocType → TranType as well as Reference number.  Is a good idea to join on Company ID too.

Hi @bdobson! As @laura01 mentioned this issue is caused by the join not containing enough key linking fields. For document tables like SOOrder, APInvoice, ARInvoice, POOrder, etc, they need to use as many key linking fields to their associated Tran tables, SOLine, APTran, ARTran, POLine, etc.

Here is another posting where similar help was provided on locating all the necessary key linking fields:

