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Hi, I am trying to customize the standard report CA Register Detailed (CA624500.rpx). I am trying to get the line details in Transaction Details tab of the Transactions form (CA304000) to the report. I have used the following join but it results in duplicates. Please let me know how I can avoid that.

Thank you.


Hi @TharidhiP! The join looks good, but I think it is caused by adding this table in addition to the tables which are already present.

It might be easier to work with this in a GI to configure the relations where it can be quicker to manipulate and test.

When viewing just these two tables there are no duplicates in my testing, but adding in the other tables seems to cause this, so if you mimic the report relations in a GI and then try to work with just a few joins at a time, adding more and more until you spot the issue it could make it easier to know which one could be adjusted to fix the duplicates.

Hi @BenjaminCrisman thank you for your suggestion! I tried this approach and it yielded the same duplicates. So as a workaround we used a sub report to just extract those line details to the original report which gave the required result.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @TharidhiP !
