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i am trying to figure out if there is an eas way to create table lines. I tried working with panels, but experienced issues with them not always growing with the textbox, which made it problematic. Is there any good way to do it?


Hello @jwestermann17,

Please refer to the following knowledge base article:


Hello @jwestermann17,

Please refer to the following knowledge base article:



Thank you for answering.

Unfortunately i already found this knowledge base but couldn’t really get it working on my side, with our use case. We have the certain possibility that a textbox needs to be able to grow and if a textbox within a detailsection grows, the line doesnt appear to grow with it. We always had spaces inbetween. 
Not really visually appealing. 

Any Ideas?

Would appreciate it.

I would like to revive this Topic.
We solved our Issue months ago with panels. But these are very tricky and not user friendly.
We now tried the method from the Knowledge base: 

But it doesn’t work for us, whenever a field grows. 
Expected would be, that the table lines grow with the textbox.
But that is not the Case.

I took the AR641000Dense zipfile from the Knowledge Base to test it.​​​​​

As you can see here, other than expected the line did not grow with the field, which would be expected and wished. Any Ideas? 


Hi @jwestermann17 It seems that the vertical lines are not a single line stretching across the entire section? If these are smaller separate lines then it will require that each row of boxes already accounts for any needed growth from the field.

Otherwise, you can use Panels instead of lines which should be able to grow based on the data inside it, have you already tested using panels?

You can find examples of panel functionality at the bottom of many of the printed forms like AR Invoice, SO Order, or PO Order.

Good Evening @BenjaminCrisman,
i used the Report AR641000Dense from the Knowledge Base, without modifying it.
The vertical lines in this report seem to be a single line stretching across and not multiple ones.
I attached the zip from the Knowledge Base to this post. 

I indeed tried to work with panels and we managed to get it working quite good at some cases,
but panels do have some limits that we couldn’t fix, therefore we only used it on 1 Report so far
for one of our customers. I feel like lines would work a lot easier. 

You should be able to resolve the issue by creating a new section and then stretching the lines to that new detail section.  In the example below, using the form attached in the previous post, you can see the lines stretch correctly.

I hope that helps resolve your issue.

Oooo @di93!
Thank you very much, this seemed to resolve the Issue.
I am wondering, if there is a way to handle Page-Breaks better.
Because if i set “keep-together” for Detail Section 2 on “false” and i have a very longe Note or
Body, it would break the table behaviour.
Is there a way or is this a dead end?

If we dont have Page-Break on “false” it would look like this

which isn’t visually appearing

Hej @di93,

on further Investigating, it seems like, that these lines don’t work in the generated PDF File.
When i open the PDF the lines break, only in the preview of Acumatica they seem to work fine.

This is a Problem.


Regarding the lines not generating when exported to PDF.  I am not seeing that as an issue, so it is likely the cause of the lines not showing could be a result of your browser printer settings or some other local environmental/configuration issue.  Below is a picture of my invoice form after it has been exported to PDF.

The other issue with keeping a section together across pages or the handling page breaks.  I don’t have any good suggestion there other than experimenting with the ‘Keep Together’.  I will add that if you happen to be using a sub-report that can add some additional complexities when it comes to keeping things together since a sub-report is a separate report running inside your existing report.  If you want to post your .rpx file to this thread I can take a look at the form and provide more specific feedback to your issues.

Hi @di93,

sure thing.

Could it be, that i have this line issue since the “Beschreibung...” is from InventoryItem.Body 
which is a HTML field? (On the textbox HtmlToPlainText=true) 

I don’t have a subreport for that.
I just happen to modify the AR641000 Dense Report to add the table and replace Note: with the InventoryItem body. 


Hej @di93,
Any further Ideas to this case?


Thank you for the report, that was helpful.  I discovered what is causing the issue.  The problem is caused by the Property called ‘ConvertHtmlToText’.  When that is set to ‘True’ then the line objects in that section are all ignored.  If you switch that field to ‘False’ you will see your lines return (unfortunately you will also see HTML markup tags as well).  My suggestion is to setup a User-Defined field for the text you want to store and print on the form. It is possible to setup a multi-line text user-defined field and add it to the Stock Item screen and you should be able to do that without needing to write any code.

Hopefully that helps resolve your issue,

It is possible to setup a multi-line text user-defined field and add it to the Stock Item screen and you should be able to do that without needing to write any code.

Hopefully that helps resolve your issue,

Hello @di93,
if i am correct, i’d believe that a Extension like this would actually help in this matter aswell? I believe that this might be a better and cleaner solution instead of adding new user fields that basically would contain the same.


Hello @di93,
upon further research it does not seem to work with the solution above.
It Converts the HTML fine and returns the Plain Text, but the lines dont really care.

If the Field is a bit large and goes above a page-ending, it just breaks.
In the Preview and in the PDF. 


So i dont think there is a solution to this problem..
