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When opening a created service order record an Error occurred when i have tried to change the Billing Customer Field!

  • 29 April 2024
  • 5 replies


Hi Community,

The error i am getting, is when my service order record has records under the details tab. When i go to the Financial Tab and try to change the billing customer field i get the following error: 


Error: Unhandled exception has occurred, your changes have been rolled back: Error: An error occurred during processing of the field BillCustomerID: Unable to cast object of type 'PX.Objects.FS.FSSODet' to type 'PX.Objects.FS.FSSODetEmployee'..


This version of acumatica is 2024R1 and is one of acumatica screens where i have not done any customization to it.


Any help will be appreciated.




A client of mine is getting the exact same error since upgrading to 2024R1. I came onto the community to see if anyone else has experienced and might have a solution. Will keep an eye on this post. Thanks

Hi @j1o2s3h4u5a6 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Dear Brett,


Please be informed that this issue is caused by bug and we are awaiting for the bug fix. We have notice that noticed that there is no appointment or any po is created for the service order so as a work around create a new service order copying the same details and add the required billing customer.


Thanks and Regards,


We have found if the service order  / appointment has no details you can change the customer but with details, you cannot so hopefully they fix the bug soon

Several of our clients encountered the same issue, so we developed a temporary fix. We added the following code to a separate low-code package, which resolved the problem until the clients upgrade to a newer version.

using System;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.CM;
using PX.Objects.FS;

namespace ServiceOrderBillingCustomerBUGFIX
public class FSSODetEmployeeBUGFIX : PXCacheExtension<FSSODetEmployee>
#region CuryInfoID
public abstract class curyInfoID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlLong.Field<curyInfoID> { }

public virtual Int64? CuryInfoID { get; set; }

