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So first off let me lay out my scenario. I work for a food Distribution company. We special order items for customers weekly. Once they arrive to the warehouse, they are manually shipped out to the customer based on when their next order is placed in the system.  I am looking for a way to have them added to the order when it is created. Meaning…. the salesmen creates their normal order, but does not add the special order item. Since that customer has a order out there (ORDER TYPE NS) for the special item when he creates the normal Sales order that is routed on a truck for delivery i would like some type of scenario where when their normal Sales order is in an open state it will add the special order item on there.


SO far I have created a GI that pulls my SO’s that ship out that day and on the same GI its listed my special orders that are for that customer. Currently I'm manually creating a new order and manually adding it to the truck every night. I would like a way for this “smart system” to do what we were able to do on my as400 prior to going to acumatica.

To clarify the requirement.  I believe you are looking to add one or more special order items to one sales order.  If that is the case, the GI would need to create a line for each special order item including quantity etc from the NS order type.  On the same line you would need the order number of the current week’s order you would like to add to special order item.  I would assume the conditions of the GI would only show the special order items that are in stock to be able to ship on the normal order.

The GI would need to include the order type and order number for both the normal sales order that the lines will be added to as well as the NS order type to be able to read the items from.  I am guessing that there would be a need for the customer identifier as well.  These will be required to be able to identify the sales order to add to.  The other question is what you would like to happen to the NS order.  So on the Business Event you might want to have the first Subscriber to add the record to the normal order and a second subscriber to Cancel the NS order or line item on the order.

One option is to then create a Business Event that is created when the order is created.  The Business Event would look something similar to the following:

 On the Subscribers tab, you need to click create the Create Subscriber and select Import Scenario.

A popup will appear to type in the Name of the Import Scenario.  

The Import Scenario window will then open and look similar to below without the mapping:

You will need to select the Sales Order window for the Screen Name and Results for the Provider type.  From here you would create the mapping for the Import Scenario to add the appropriate line items and then save.

The result would be that when the sales order is saved for that customer the line or lines from NS orders that were identified in the GI would be added to the order.

It looks a little complicated at first, but once you have done a few Business Events it is fairly simple.


To clarify the requirement.  I believe you are looking to add one or more special order items to one sales orderyes,  as the system currently is, the salesmen do not see the NS items when they come in stock, and when they did they still didn't add them to the order. So i would like to automate this. 

So as i understand this i need to do the following:

Create a GI that pulls the customer SO and NS on the same line (currently on 2 separate lines, working on figuring this one out now), they create a business event to trigger an import scenario based on my open SO order, then import scenario to push the NS item to the open SO, then a business event to delete the NS order after it has been added to the order. below is a screenshot from my current GI I'm building for this process.



Basically you are correct.  To have the same entity attached multiple times so that you can select the fields into the same row from both tables, you will add the table a second time using a different Alias:

The Relations would need to be defined manually.  In this case it is most likely the customerID versus what might be normal like the order ID and type.

Additionally, you will need to make sure to set the Conditions appropriately to not include items not in stock or not open on a closed or cancelled order.

Additionally, the Import Scenario will need to be created from the Business Event using the Create Subscriber button.  The deletion of the NS order should be able to be done using the same Business Event using a second Import Scenario using the Create Subscriber button to add a second Subscriber.


I have my GI built. i believe its conditioned correctly. It appears to be pulling the correct data all on one line. Here is where i am so far.  I believe I'm moving in the correct direction. Thank you everyone for  your help, I'm sure once I get a couple of these done and under my belt this will become more 2nd nature. If someone sees something i have wrong please let me know. I'm going to fight my way through this and figure it out.



The only thing I would consider with the Generic Inquiry is to update the Result field name.  For example, you will need to know which order to append the record versus delete the record.  This is done the on the Results Grid tab.  By default to add change the result name, you will need to use the Column Configuration to add the Caption column (the Column Configuration button is highlighted in red - then move the Caption column by highlighting it on the left and clicking the right arrow).

The next step is creating the Data Provider.  To create the Data Provider go to Integration - Profiles - Data Provider.  To create the data provider, you will need to Name the Data Provider, select the Provider Type as Generic Inquiry Provider, and enter the Generic Inquiry Screen ID. 

On the Schema tab, Under Source Object, click on FILL SCHEMA OBJECTS and select the Results.  Then under Source Fields, click FILL SCHEMA FIELDS.  This should then show your results items.  Click Save.

This will then allow you to create the Import Scenario from the Business Event for adding the records to the sales order as mentioned earlier in the thread.  

Let me know if you need further assistance.




First off i want to personally thank  you for this. i am taking notes and learning a lot here. I have now renamed my GI fields, created the data provider, and began building my import scenario. I have been watching a few videos and searching around to figure out the MAPPING, SOURCE RESTRICTIONS, & TARGET RESTRICTIONS. here is what i came up with. im sure im probably way out in left field.

my thought process behind this is for it to look for the item on the order, if its not there add it to that sales order, then delete the NS order. If the item is already on their order i would like to just delete the NS order and move on to the next one. The example above the salesmen added the item to the order. SO in this case i would want to not add that item to this order and just delete the NS order. Ya know YouTube university and such really doesn't have much out there on building a import scenario from scratch. Would be a great video for some one to do explaining mapping target/source restiction buttons and what they do. Or if you know of a link please shoot it my way.

You most likely do not require any source or target restrictions in this particular case because the Generic Inquiry is most likely creating the correct limitations through the Condition tab on the Generic Inquiry.

I have not tried to save a record and then delete another record in the same import.  I think you will need to include the second step on the Business Event.

For the line item to be added or updated you will need to add some additional information such as quantity, price etc just like you would to enter the line.  If the information is on the NS order, it can be added to the Generic Inquiry fairly easily and then used to populate the SO line.  With the Sync type set to New only, the system will add another record if it doesn’t exist.  It will not update an existing record.  I am not sure that the last lines will work correctly to update the SO order and then delete the NS order.  

I would most likely stop at the <Save>.  Then add a second Import Scenario to the Business Event to delete the NS order.  It you have tried it and it works, we all learn something new everyday.



The Source and Target restrictions are relatively straight forward.  Similar to conditions on a Generic Inquiry.

The Mapping can be very entertaining at times.  There are a lot of variations in mapping and formulas.  From simple things like combining strings for descriptions, formatting dates, as well as other various calculations.  Once you are comfortable with the basics for the mapping, there will be something that you encounter that will require something new.


im thinking my fields aren't correct or something? When i hit to view screen it opens a new sales order. Is this correct? i was thinking when i hit view screen it should have pulled an order or something? im wanting it to pull the SO order, then apply the NS item, price, qty and UOM to that SO order.



For clicking on the line for the drilldown, it needs to be setup on the Generic Inquiry on the Navigation Tab.  Most of the time the system will know based upon the entities involved within the inquiry.  In this case it is not as straight forward because the Sales Order Entity is within the Generic Inquiry multiple times.  You will need something similar to the second line in the window below

Within the line item for the Import Scenario, I would change the order of the rows so that the order would be Inventory ID, UOM, quantity, and then price.  Part of the reason is related to how pricing works within Acumatica.  For example, if you offer quantity breaks the price would update when the quantity is populated.



I do apologize, i have not gave up on this but have had a couple of issues here at work that has had me removed from this. i plan to work on this more beginning tomorrow. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. The bad part about doing this kind of thing is there is no manual to look at to compare to build it out.

does this look correct for the import scenario format? 

When i hit>view screen it opens a new window with a blank sales order. With my formatting up top shouldn't this grab an open sales order that has a NS order open?


Hi @RMount41  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

I'm still trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. i was thrown into Acumatica with no experience what so ever. I'm just so confused. and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if I'm even in the same zip code as the “right answer”. I'm last years Easter egg. lol 


anyone want to do some sub contracting? lol

Hi @RMount41 - Sorry to hear you’re struggling. If you haven’t already checked out these resources, please do: and

Hi @Rmount41,


Are you trying to import the scenario?


If so you will need to go to the ‘Import By Scenario’ screen.


Hope this helps,

