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Business Event / Import Scenario (Import attributes from SO to IN)

  • 7 June 2024
  • 3 replies


We have a client who is using an external software for their Scale solution. Each day, they upload a file through an import scenario to upload the individual invoices through the Sales Order screen as we need to keep the same document ID when creating the invoice in Acumatica. I’ve create attributes within the SO header section to keep track of important information and we need to have those attribute to transfer over to the invoice document. During our test phase, I did create a Generic Inquiry to pull the Invoice ID and the attributes and a Business Event to do an import scenario to import the attribute values when the Sales Order have been invoiced. The business event was working without issues. Now that we have gone Live with Acumatica, the attributes are not importing in the Invoice document because the business event is giving the following error. “The last error was CustomerID cannot be blank.”. 

The weird part is, it will work when I execute each record individually within the Business Event History window. 

I’ve attached the Generic Inquiry and the Business Event xml files.

Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated. 



I forgot to attached the import scenario which is linked with the Business Event. 

Hi @jlaforge were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett

The issue was related to an access role I had set at the company level. As soon as I removed it, Business Event ran without issues.

I will need to know what access the end user will need to have as we will be having an additional company setup in the near future and will need to assign proper access roles for both companies. 


