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I’m trying to import some data into bills and adjustments and its giving me the error “SuppliedbyVendorID cannot be empty” I’ve never had this before - can someone let me know what I need to look at to mitigate the issue? 

Hi @ocarvalho 

Could you please share Import scenario and Mapping sheet ?


Are you creating Bill and adjustment directly or Link any receipt?

Basically it is missing vendor details in Bills and Adj>Financial tab> receipt info


@manikantad18 here you go! thank you


We do not have receipt info in our financial tab

@manikantad18 here you go! thank you


We do not have receipt info in our financial tab

Could you please share me your Import scenario which is designed

@manikantad18 here you are

@manikantad18 here you are

Sorry to ask, share me directly XML report. it will users time to assist you 

@manikantad18 sorry here you are 

Thanks for sharing, At first glance you have not defined the vendor details while creating bill, Please map vendor and do the Import

Thanks for sharing, At first glance you have not defined the vendor details while creating bill, Please map vendor and do the Import

@manikantad18 the bill is already created, we’re just updating the bill with vendor cost 

hI @ocarvalho 

Please find the Import scenario. In My testing I only updated the qty, feel free to add the required columns.



@manikantad18 Thank you!!! We fixed it but now this error is popping up - how can we have it import even though its used


Hello @ocarvalho 

Same vendor Reference has been used in another Bills document, Please give another number and proceed.

