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I’m trying to import in test mode my excel. Everything seems good, I’ve been able to import one line while testing, but when I try to upload the whole file I can’t. 
I’ve read other posts about this error (not for bom but for orders and other items) but I didn’t understand how to solve it. 
No other user is updating same time and I don’t know how to use timestamp.
Would somebody maybe help me? 
Thanks in advance.


Hello @AFAguilera ,

Can you please show your Import Scenario and a sample of the Excel columns? Seeing the Import Scenario and data columns will help us to answer.

You may also export your Import Scenario to XML and attach the XML file to this post so helpers can try the import and see all its components.

Thank you.



yes, no problem.


Hi @AFAguilera were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

I don’t remember why now works, but it looks like this

