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"View On Map" on App takes you to Google Maps, but Immediately Locks up Accumatica App

  • 16 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Since we installed Acumatica 2023R2, Our service techs have been complaining, especially when using the android version of the Acumatica App. Here is what happens:

1. They will use the “View on Map” button to see the location of their next appointment.

2. The app will open up Google Maps correctly.

3. When returning to the Accumatica App after looking at the map, it is locked up. Every time they need to restart the app and log-in again.

This is frustrating. Any suggestions on what we can do?


@bzelinski Did you figure this out? I would advise you to report this issue to Acumatica support. And provide information about what kind of devices this comapany uses and their operative system (and versio, which version of Android for example). 

I tested this on my mobile device (I also have android, but I have Acumatica 2024r1) and I could not reproduce it.

Hi @vdiaz,

Thanks for the comment. I did create a case with Acumatica support on this issue. For some reason they could not duplicate the issue as well. We found a workaround for now. I have no idea why it is doing it on our android devices.
