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Insertion 'AR transaction' record raised at least one error. please review the errors. One or more lines have unassigned location and/or lot/serial number unit price has been set to zero because no effective unit price was found

Hi All,


I have this error. What is the problem and how do I rectify it



Hi @driesdeklerk50 

Can you check below suggestions


thx Manikanta Dhulipudi


This is on a service order. The inventory item is a non stock item

Can’t see it in your screenshot but do you have a location entered for that detail line?

Hi Steph23,

see below. Location shows <SPLIT>


Hi Steph23,

see below. Location shows <SPLIT>


Can you overwrite the <SPLIT> with a location that is valid for that warehouse?

I agree with @steph23, even if the item is a non-stock item, the Location column needs to have a value.

Thank you...I will change it.

I unclosed the service order and tried to change the location but cannot change the location 

I unclosed the service order and tried to change the location but cannot change the location 

Were you able to solve this? 

Acumatica Support created a workaround script

