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What is the best way to store a whole JSON Object body in a table?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Currently we are storing the JSON Object Body in a column which is [UsrJsonBody]  nvarchar](MAX) of a custom table. But sometime the whole JSON is not properly storing. That means for quite big JSONs the later part is getting missed. Can I know is there any issue with this approach. Please check the below code snippets. Thank you.

//Custom table creation
CREATE TABLE Edbo].]XXPOCreateHist](
>ID] ]int] IDENTITY(1,1),
>CompanyID] ]int] NOT NULL,
>IntegrateDate] ]datetime],
>PONumber] ]nvarchar](50),
>IntegrateStatus] ]nvarchar](2),
ErrorDesc] ]nvarchar](256) ,
>IntegrationType] ]nvarchar](50),
>UsrJsonBody] ]nvarchar](MAX) ,....

//JSON Storing approach in the Graph file
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true };
var json=JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj,options);


XXPOCreateHist toBeInserted = new XXPOCreateHist();

toBeInserted.UsrJsonBody = json;



The nvarchar(max) field allows storing up to 2 GB of JSON. So unless your JSONs are THAT big - it might be the issue with attributes you’ve set on your DAC’s field.  

Please check the length you’ve set in the PXDBString] attribute. If it’s defined like so: kPXDBString(1000)], Acumatica will automatically trim your JSON to 1000 characters. Leave it without specified length: ePXDBString].  

We are storing JSON responses for historical purposes this way in fields declared like so:

#region F1
DPXUIField(DisplayName = LabelConstants.F1)]
public virtual string F1{ get; set; }
public abstract class f1 : BqlString.Field<f1> { }
#endregion F1

Another point to consider is where you’re trying to check the field’s content. For example, SQL Server Management Studio and Workbench trim the value by default (only in representation; the actual value can be stored properly, but for performance reasons won’t be shown in full). This might be the case for you.  

Thank you @andriitkachenko for your valuable guidance.
