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I following the instructions listed here:


However, my Generic Inquiry is really large so I’d like to apply a filter.  However, since I created a Result set using the instructions above, I get an error when I want to filter on a Generic Inquiry value:

    "exceptionMessage": "The parent value for a property access of a property 'InventoryID' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value.",


I’m able to filter in the UI on the Generic Inquiry page when I click VIEW INQUIRY so it seems like I shouldn’t have followed the instructions above when creating my Web Service Endpoint.


Question: are there a separate set of instructions to follow when using $filter with Generic Inquiry and REST?


Here’s the URL I’m using:$expand=Result&$filter=Result/InventoryID eq '331-0470'

@bpgraves since you use PUT to get the data from a GI, the $filter expression is not supported. 

You can add the condition in the GI itself and send it in the body of the request.
