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I am trying to switch to using the Odatav4 endpoint instead of the REST API for fetching order data. 
One thing that I noticed that it seems to be missing is the ID of the Purchase order. 

I am using the following request: 
http://localhost:40294/AcumaticaERP/ODatav4/MYSTORE/PX_Objects_PO_POOrder?$expand=POLineCollection($expand = InventoryItemByInventoryID($select = InventoryCD,Descr,ItemStatus,BaseUnit))&$filter=OrderNbr eq '000024'

This works well but it does not seem to contain the ID of the order which I know to be dee069aa-a63a-ef11-9050-e848b8c82000 from using the REST API:  http://localhost:40294/AcumaticaERP/entity/Default/23.200.001/PurchaseOrder?$expand=Details&$filter=OrderNbr eq '000024'

Is this not possible or am I missing something. 


my understanding is that NoteID field is returned as ID in contact based API, did a quick test and that seems to be the case:


CB API return

Hopefully this helps. 😊

Hi @RohitRattan88 

I thought that I had done my due diligence and searched the response of the Odata for the ID, but clearly not. 
Thanks for being so thorough with your response, greatly appreciated. 
