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I got this error

 \App_RuntimeCode\VendorMaint.cs(38): error CS0104: 'BAccountExt' is an ambiguous reference between 'PX.Objects.CR.BAccountExt' and 'PX.Objects.GDPR.BAccountExt'

Hi @kevinheng21 ,

This can happen if you have extensions or customizations that use similar class names, and the compiler is unable to determine which one to use.

To resolve this ambiguity issue, you can specify the full namespace when referring to the 'BAccountExt' class in your code to indicate which one you want to use.

This should resolve the ambiguity issue and allow your customization to compile and publish successfully.

Could you please provide code and which usings are you using in code?  



@kevinheng21 This issue will be resolved by changing the namespaces.

If you are still not able to resolve this, just share the customization package.

Hi @kevinheng21 ,

This can happen if you have extensions or customizations that use similar class names, and the compiler is unable to determine which one to use.

To resolve this ambiguity issue, you can specify the full namespace when referring to the 'BAccountExt' class in your code to indicate which one you want to use.

This should resolve the ambiguity issue and allow your customization to compile and publish successfully.

Could you please provide code and which usings are you using in code?  



thank solved it

@kevinheng21 - Could you mark a best answer?

Additionally, this happens to me a lot lately when I'm pasting in code in Visual Studio, as it attempts to solve the namespaces required and often gets them wrong.


This can be turned off in VS Preferences 
