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in my Processing Screen am bring line wise details (SOLine Wise) means if we have 10 line items 10 times it will display


When we click on One line of the record it has to get selected for all records which are related to that particular order type order number


 i tried all possibilities in all events but it is not working

It was unbound field and now i made it bound still it is not working



 can u pls Share with the answers

hi @FarhanaM60 ,

Not sure, the reason you need to show SOLine in the processing screen. If you really need only SOLine to be shown and when one line is selected you want to process all the SOLine with respect to that order then you can build up a logic internal to get all the SOLine for the order by Group by and process those records rather trying the make selection of all the check box in the UI.

In addition to this you should also need to update the processing  status of respective line of the order  once each order is processed so that the UI shows proper status.

Based on business requirement the internal logic to builds and hand  processing through SOLine.



Thank you for the response


Line wise items Displaying because some calculation part is involved which has to get reflect in Sales Order item wise..


So Client is preferably asking for to make true when one SOline is Checked



Thanks for clarifying the requirement you had  the other option I would visualize is having two grids one to shows order level and the other to show SOLine level and try to build a logic when  single order is selected making all the SOline is marking as  selected.

Hi @FarhanaM60 

Try like below,

  1. Get all the selected records in a list. 
  2. Loop the selected list.
  3. Based on the selected item OrderNbr again loop to get all the OrderNbr line items. 
  4. Mark selected as true and update the view.

    Sample code:

List<ProcessingScreenGridDAC> ltSelectedItems = ProcessingScreenGridViewName.Select().RowCast<ProcessingScreenGridDAC>().Where(x => x.Selected == true);

             foreach (ProcessingScreenGridDAC item in ltSelectedItems)
            foreach (ProcessingScreenGridDAC details in PXSelect<ProcessingScreenGridDAC, Where<ProcessingScreenGridDAC.orderNbr, Equal<Required<ProcessingScreenGridDAC.orderNbr>>>>.Select(this, item.OrderNbr))
                  //  if (details.Select==false)
                        details.Select = true;

Hi thank you for the response


In Which Event i have to add this code


Hi @FarhanaM60 

If you want to implement the logic in events,  you will face performance issues. Better create a button “Select All Order Items” and write the logic.
