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Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue with a custom Acumatica screen that involves managing customer records (SanitationCustomer). I have a custom graph (SanitationCustomerMaint) and DAC (SanitationCustomer) that allow users to select a different ClientID using a selector. The main problem occurs when switching between tabs and updating the ClientID.

Here is the specific issue:

  1. When I update the ClientID from the General tab, the customer information is correctly updated for fields such as name, address, city, etc., and all the related views are refreshed accordingly.


  2. However, when I switch to a different tab (e.g., Brewers or Invoices) and change the ClientID, the new ClientID appears to be set, but when I navigate back to the
    General tab, the customer information shown is still from the previous ClientID.


Additionally, if I save a new record to a related view (e.g., AssignedBreweries), it gets associated with the previous ClientID instead of the newly selected one.

using System;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
using PX.Web.UI;

namespace Assainissement
public class SanitationCustomerMaint : PXGraph<SanitationCustomerMaint, SanitationCustomer>
#region Views

public PXSelect<SanitationCustomer> Customers;

public SelectFrom<ClientAvailability>
.Where<ClientAvailability.clientID.IsEqual<SanitationCustomer.clientID.FromCurrent>>.View ClientAvailabilities;

public SelectFrom<SanitationContact>
.Where<SanitationContact.clientID.IsEqual<SanitationCustomer.clientID.FromCurrent>>.View Contacts;

public SelectFrom<SanitationActivity>
.Where<SanitationActivity.clientID.IsEqual<SanitationCustomer.clientID.FromCurrent>>.View Activities;

public SelectFrom<ClientBrewery>
.Where<ClientBrewery.clientID.IsEqual<SanitationCustomer.clientID.FromCurrent>>.View AssignedBreweries;

public SelectFrom<BreweryBeerLine>
.And<Beer.breweryID.IsEqual<SanitationCustomer.breweryID.FromCurrent>>>.View AssignedBeers;

public SelectFrom<SanitizerBillingReport>
.OrderBy<>.View Invoices;


#region Events

// Assurez-vous que le ClientID est renseigné à l'insertion dans les tables dépendantes
protected void _(Events.RowInserted<ClientAvailability> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

protected void _(Events.RowInserted<SanitationActivity> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

protected void _(Events.RowInserted<SanitationContact> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

protected void _(Events.RowInserted<SanitizerBillingReport> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

// Récupérer le prix basé sur la quantité nettoyée
PriceGridTable priceGrid = SelectFrom<PriceGridTable>
.View.Select(this, e.Row.BreweryID, e.Row.TotalCleaned, e.Row.TotalCleaned).TopFirst;

if (priceGrid != null)
e.Row.TotalPrice = priceGrid.PricePerUnit * e.Row.TotalCleaned;
e.Row.TotalPrice = 0;

protected void _(Events.RowInserted<ClientBrewery> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

protected void _(Events.RowInserted<BreweryBeerLine> e)
if (e.Row != null && Customers.Current != null)
e.Row.ClientID = Customers.Current.ClientID;

// Événement déclenché lorsqu'un champ est mis à jour dans SanitationCustomer
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdated<SanitationCustomer, SanitationCustomer.breweryID> e)
if (e.Row != null)
AssignedBeers.View.RequestRefresh(); // Rafraîchir la vue des bières assignées

protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdated<SanitationCustomer, SanitationCustomer.clientID> e)
if (e.Row != null)
Customers.View.RequestRefresh(); // Rafraîchir la vue principale pour synchroniser avec le client sélectionné

// Événement déclenché lorsque le champ TotalCleaned est mis à jour dans SanitizerBillingReport
protected void _(Events.FieldUpdated<SanitizerBillingReport, SanitizerBillingReport.totalCleaned> e)
SanitizerBillingReport row = e.Row;
if (row == null) return;

// Récupérer le prix basé sur la quantité nettoyée
PriceGridTable priceGrid = SelectFrom<PriceGridTable>
.View.Select(this, row.BreweryID, row.TotalCleaned, row.TotalCleaned).TopFirst;

if (priceGrid != null)
row.TotalPrice = priceGrid.PricePerUnit * row.TotalCleaned;
row.TotalPrice = 0;

#region Actions
public PXAction<SanitationCustomer> TraceBreweryID;
tPXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
iPXUIField(DisplayName = "Afficher les bières")]
protected void traceBreweryID()
var currentBrewery = AssignedBreweries.Current;
if (currentBrewery != null)
Customers.Current.BreweryID = currentBrewery.BreweryID;


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