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I have added custom fields in the opportunity Details TAB.
I need to propagate those custom fields to the Quotes screen when Opportunity is converted to Quote.

How can we achieve that by overriding the Action ?


Anyone can provide some insights ??

@Naveen Boga do you have any idea on this topic.

Hi, @tanuj81  I don’t you need an override here.

The opportunity screen and Quote screen are using the same table i.e. CROpportunityProducts.

If you add the same custom field in the Sales Quotes screen (at UI level), it will be populated automatically.

Please let me know if you have any other doubts.

Sorry Tagged you in the wrong post I was asking about requisition will tag you there @Naveen Boga 

No problem at all @tanuj81 

 Hi @tanuj81 ,

Yes, adding the custom field to  the CROpportunityProducts table will work perfectly and It will populate custom field from Opportunity screen to Quotes screen.



I posted a related question on a problem I have customizing an actions, so see if anyone could help:

