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I have included a confirmation message when click on save. If user click yes it proceeds to save. If click no i get this error. I just to to avoid save if click no but instead i get this. Why is that ?


My code:

  public void ARInvoice_RowPersisting(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e, PXRowPersisting baseHandler)
     if (baseHandler!= null)
                baseHandler(cache, e);
        WebDialogResult result = Base.Document.Ask("Confirmation", "Do you want to save?", MessageButtons.YesNo);

         if (result == WebDialogResult.No)
             e.Cancel = true; // User clicked "No" in the confirmation dialog, cancel the save operation

Could you check the trace log and post the results when this error occurs?

Could you check the trace log and post the results when this error occurs?

Hi @darylbowman ,

I solved this issue by providing a “ throw new PXException("Save Cancelled")” when the user clicks No. Anyway here’s the trace log when the error occurs.


If you don't provide a message to the exception, I believe it is silent. This may be more user friendly 🙂
