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Edit fields in a custom dropdown

I created a custom field with values for a drop down. 

Now I want to change the options for the dropdown. I want to remove 2 of the first ones and add 1.

I was able to show the different values in the dropdown. But on the generic inquiry, the field is empty.


Any help is appreciated.



Hi @DoShawhan I understand that the above information is sensitive, can you please create a sample customization with the test dropdown fields, so that it will be helpful for us to review and provide inputs if any? 

@Naveen Boga, Here is a sample customization that I used to create the dropdown.



Hi @DoShawhan,

By importing your provided package and doing some changes (refer below screenshot). I am able remove first two dropdown values and add one more.

Remove first two values and add one in dropdown.
Dropdown values

Also, I am able to view it in Generic inquiry without any changes using Sales demo data.


Dropdown values in GI

Let me know if it works for you.


