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Customizing create production order screen

  • 26 July 2023
  • 4 replies

I have a create production order screen , where in I need to customize and add two new column on create process.

I want to extend the below code, which is on the CreateProductionOrdersProcess acumatica code, but I am not able to achieve that.

        public static void CreateProcess(List<AMFixedDemand> list, ProductionOrdersCreateFilter filter)
var prodMaintGraph = CreateInstance<ProdMaint>();
var createProdOrdersGraph = CreateInstance<CreateProductionOrdersProcess>();

Numbering prodNumbering = PXSelectJoin<Numbering, LeftJoin<AMOrderType, On<AMOrderType.prodNumberingID,
Equal<Numbering.numberingID>>>, Where<AMOrderType.orderType, Equal<Required<AMOrderType.orderType>>>
>.Select(prodMaintGraph, filter.CreationOrderType);

if (prodNumbering == null)
throw new PXException(Messages.GetLocal(Messages.NumberingMissingExceptionProduction,

if (prodNumbering.UserNumbering.GetValueOrDefault())
throw new PXException(Messages.GetLocal(Messages.ManualNumberingNotAllowedForProcess,

createProdOrdersGraph.CreateProductionOrders(list, filter, prodMaintGraph);


I can create a delegate , modify the CreateProductionOrders function.
However, this function is utilized across several other pages.  

        public virtual void CreateProductionOrders(List<AMFixedDemand> list, ProductionOrdersCreateFilter filter, ProdMaint prodMaintGraph)

Could anyone please suggest an alternative approach, to populate additional columns on create process action.


The CreateProcessAction is a public method. Is there a reason you don’t want to extend that method?


public delegate void CreateProcessDelegate(List<AMFixedDemand> list, ProductionOrdersCreateFilter filter);

public void CreateProcess(List<AMFixedDemand> list, ProductionOrdersCreateFilter filter, OriginalActionDelegate baseMethod)
// Execute original method
baseMethod(list, filter);

// Execute additional code
// ...

I guess if that method is called other places, it would have the same drawbacks.


Could you explain what you’re hoping to achieve in a bit more detail? Where is the data coming from that you’re populating the fields with? What is the reason the code isn’t allowed to run during processes from other screens?

@darylbowman  I tried but its throwing an error and not allowing me to extend  I am trying to override create production processing method . I want to add logic to have fields created on SOLine before the production order is created. Unfortunately, the production order method is triggered and does not allow me override. 

when I try to override the CreateProcessDelegate  it says ,  unknown create CreateProcess method.

@darylbowman Thank you for the approach.

Did you get it to work?
