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BOM Cost Roll Automation

  • 17 February 2022
  • 10 replies

Two of our customers are using specific costs because of the highly variable cost of their materials. I’ve shown them how to do a cost roll but they receive materials on a daily basis and find the roll tedious.

I tried to setup an automation schedule to do the roll and update pending but the automation screen will not accept the screen id.

  1. Is it possible to to automate this?
  2. If so, what are the basic steps to do this?
  3. If not, is there a reason it shouldn’t be?
  4. Is there a setting to make BOMS pick up last costs whenever a production order is created?

I understand that the variance is important to see differences and track back what went wrong. Unfortunately the materials variance information becomes basically useless if frequent cost rolls are not done when using specific costs because, if I understand correctly, the production planned costs are based on the BOM while the actual costs are based on the last cost of the materials released.

Please feel free to disabuse me of any mistakes in my understanding of how costing works.

Thank you.


When the Production Order is created, you can perform the “Update Planned Cost” menu action to pull in the latest cost values.

What is the cost valuation of the items?

What cost method are you using on the Production Orders?

Hi Angie!

I enjoyed meeting you and your colleagues at summit.

Our client uses specific costing because they are in food and every shipment has a different cost.

I am aware of the Update Planned Cost function but am trying to eliminate that step by automating the BOM Cost Roll in the same way I can for the Regenerate MRP function.

I tried multiple ways but I can’t even assign an automation to that screen.


Automation Schedules for Cost Roll are not supported as part of the standard product deliverable.  I believe this is because the screen currently performs multiple funcitons.  Please create an Idea if you would like to see this supported in the future.

I am moving this request to the customization forum in hopes someone can assist you on how to alter the system to behave as your customers desire.

I was just looking for a way to automate this as well, as people using average costing with variable material products are regularly doing cost rolls… 

Is there an ide for this outthere? I will like it so hard. 

It does not look like any one has create a Community Idea for this enhancement as of yet.


Idea has been created.

A long-winded but workable solution is to prepare an Import Scenario for the Cost Roll screen with your preferred parameters. Then, you schedule an Automation Schedule for Process Import Scenarios with condition Name = (import scenario name).

@kokjietan Can you please provide an example your import scenario? Thank you.

I was able to make it work. Here is a screenshot of the import scenario…

