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Hello All, I have an issue with access rights with 24R1 (no issue with 23R2).

I have an action that opens custom report but it doesn’t work because of the error: "You have insufficient rights to access the object (IC970001).".

I tested accessing to this screen directly from the link and got a blank screen.

I have tried to change access rights to “Granted” for this report from “Access rights by screen”. Then it starts working.

But when I add access rights to Customization Project and publish it I lose settings for Generic Inquires (checkbox “Replace Entry Screen with this Inquiry in Menu” is no longer selected).

I also found in the 24R1 Release Notes:

If a site map node does not exist in the target instance, the site map node will not be available for any roles; the access rights will be set to Revoked. That is, after the customization has been published, the system administrator should grant the access rights explicitly.

In my case I have site map node (but without Workspace an category) But adding these settings and publishing doesn’t resolve the issue.

Does anyone knows why I have such system behavior? How to add access rights and not lose settings? Thanks

I don’t think your access rights or lack there of in the customization should change the GI settings.  Are you sure your customization is up to date?  You might look at the project.xml from a downloaded copy of your customization for GI details to make sure your settings are there.  

The snippet from Acumatica you posted above means that if you were installing on a fresh instance of Acumatica, then it would revoke all rights to the pages if you don’t assign access rights in the customization.

@Patrick Chen Thank you for the reply!

I agree that changing GI settings with access rights from customization is really weird. And I don’t understand how these things are connected.

I am sure that customization is up to date. I take my customization package, then publish it. And settings for the GIs are there, everything work as expected except for some reports that are not accessible (descried above). Then I add access rights for these reports to the same customization, publish again (or unpublish all & publish with cleanup or publish on the fresh instance) and got changed settings for GIs and accessible reports. 

I do not understand how this is possible.

Hi all,

updates regarding my issue:

  • I’ve noticed that after publishing customization package with added Access Rights directly in the package some changes to GIs are applied: some information from xml is removed and RolesInGraph is added (again, these changes are applied during the package publishing). 

    This results in the loss of Workspace, Category and Is Substitute settings for all GIs in the customization project.

  • I’ve submitted support case and received the following response:

The Generic Inquiry losing the "workspace" and "Category" on the 2024r1 customizations is a known issue. We have raised the issue to our engineering teams and they are working on it. I will update as soon as possible.

