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Hello Team,

I Got Some Error during customization on Acumatica 2024 R1, the codes works fine on Acumatica 2021 R2, but when upgrading to Acumatica 2024 R1 it throw error A data corruption state has been detected here simple customization code.


protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdated<RQRequisition,RQRequisition.vendorID> e)
if (e.NewValue != null)
int? vendorID = Convert.ToInt16(e.NewValue);
foreach (var line in Base.Lines.Cache.Cached.RowCast<RQRequisitionLine>())
var vendorPrice = GetVendorPrice(vendorID, line.InventoryID, line.SiteID, line.PromisedDate);
decimal lastPrice = vendorPrice == null ? 0m : vendorPrice.SalesPrice ?? 0m;
Base.Lines.Cache.SetValueExt<RQRequisitionLine.curyEstUnitCost>(line, lastPrice);
Base.Lines.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling<RQRequisitionLine.curyEstUnitCost>(line, null, null);


@budi12 This data comes for calculation issues,


Hello @budi12 See below the community article about the data corruption error



Hello @budi12 See below the community article about the data corruption error



Thank you for @hananeoufdir34 for the reference, I already read the link you give, but Still It doesn’t make sense to throw error like that. I already solve with override base DAC Aggregate Validation on PXFormula attribute to false, and the errors disappear like charm.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @hananeoufdir34!
