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Add Print link in Dashboard data table widget

  • 29 April 2022
  • 6 replies


I have created a sales order data table widget on dashboard. Now i want to add a print link as one of the column in the widget. how can i do that?

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Hi, What do you mean by a “print link”?

Userlevel 1

Hello @yhartman ,

      Print link means i need a link in each row of Data Table , on click of that link need to print sales order..

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

You can use the navigation section on the generic inquiry to link to the sales order report. You can add the column to your dashboard data table.


Userlevel 1


 yes i have already added link in navigation section for print orders and in the results grid section added CreatedDatetime field for that navigation. So,currently it displays CreatedDatetime Field as link in dashboard data table. How to add column in dashboard table that has print text and navigation added?


Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Good morning,

If understand correctly you are trying to add a column that say “print text” that has the link?


You can add another column to your GI. See image below.



Userlevel 1


Thank you so much. It worked 🙂
