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Hello, I made a simple rpx like below.

I would like to sort the lines by inventoryCD.

I don’t know why. is it caused by the relationships below?

Or is it that the sorting did not work for group sections?


The result is not as expected. It is not sorted by inventoryCD.


Hi Ray,

I’ve noticed in some cases that the grouping controls the sort and no matter what you going to specify in the sort section the group’s  sortorder will control the result


Hi Ray,

I’ve noticed in some cases that the grouping controls the sort and no matter what you going to specify in the sort section the group’s  sortorder will control the result



    Thank you, so for my case own, if I‘d like to “Sort” by inventoryCD, then I set the group is by “InventoryCD”

       This indeed works. Thank you.


As far as I know, the Group sorting always takes place before the Detail sorting.

I know this has been a old thread, but shouldn’t the Sorting definition happen within the Group?
Setting up a Group to sort by to accomplish Sorting within a Group is most of the time not feasible as detail gets lost and formatting sometimes gets thrown off. 

Any ideas?
This just seems like not the correct solution
