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Hi all,


I am looking for a way to add the customer price class to the customer list view. I am trying to do this so I can sort the customers based on the price class and also to quickly see what customers have what price classes. I am trying to add fields to the generic inquiry, however I cannot seem to get it to work. Here is how I currently have the GI set up (I have tried all different join types)

And here is the result I am getting

Those are all the same customer. As you can see, it is just repeating the price classes for each customer.

I wouldn't mind using a report that would show this, however I cannot seem to find one. I do need to be able to export it to Excel.

Any help is appreciated!



HI @aidenwills15 

Try a different data field relation:

Here is what it then looks like:


@kandybeatty49 Perfect, that worked. Thank you!

Hi @aidenwills15 

Please add a price class to customer location generic inquiry

Based on the location the GI will repeats the customer, add the customer GI with price class


@kandybeatty49 Perfect, that worked. Thank you!

Glad to have helped! 
