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POOrder - SOLineSplit3 relation

I am trying to bring over the Customer from the Sales Order through the Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item Report. I can see that the SO Demand section is pulling the Data through on the SOLineSplit3 table and I have attempted to join the tables together with the settings shown in the picture but it just prints out blank. does anyone know how I should be Joining these two tables together to get that Customer ID as a Field I can add?

Hi @BrendanL 


I think you should try to link SOLineSplit3 to SOLine based on OrderType = OrderType

OrderNbr = OrderNbr

OrigLineNbr = LineNbr


Then join SOLin to SOOrder on OrderType = OrderType

OrderNbr = OrderNbr

Hi @BrendanL Could you please attach your report here for our review? We'll let you know if we find anything that needs to be changed.

Join the SOLineSplit3 with SOOrder tables and you have CustomerID is available in th SOOrder.

From there you can with SOOrder with BAccount table (with Alias name) and get the Customer name.

@Naveen Boga I tried that as well and it either keeps breaking the XML format or continuing to print blanks.

Join the SOLineSplit3 with SOOrder tables and you have CustomerID is available in th SOOrder.

From there you can with SOOrder with BAccount table (with Alias name) and get the Customer name.

@BrendanL  Okay! In that case we need to review every other join and its conditions to identify the root cause.

that sounds like it might take a while, I can try to gather some more information but I was also wondering if there might be another table I could use to pull the Customer name from to get it referenced with the PO.

@BrendanL  Okay! In that case we need to review every other join and its conditions to identify the root cause.

As you shared above, you can just modify the POOrder to POLine and add the right conditions and verify please


@Naveen Boga so I attempted that but it is still printing the Customer ID field as empty. here is an image of the data links and table relation.

As you shared above, you can just modify the POOrder to POLine and add the right conditions and verify please


@BrendanL No, POOrder with SOLinesplit3 join result in duplicates.


Have you tried with POLine with SOLinesplit3 like below?


Table Name SOLineSplit3 JOIN POLine
Column Name pOType   orderType
pONbr   orderNbr
pOLineNbr   lineNbr

Is the SOLineSplit3 set as the parent table?

@BrendanL No, POOrder with SOLinesplit3 join result in duplicates.


Have you tried with POLine with SOLinesplit3 like below?


Table Name SOLineSplit3 JOIN POLine
Column Name pOType   orderType
pONbr   orderNbr
pOLineNbr   lineNbr

This Relation setup also seems to not work.

I posted the wrong image of the Relationships, here is the correct one.
